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Michael T. Edwards, Attorney at Law, LLC

Call Now For A Consultation! (937) 505-3600

  • By: Michael T. Edwards, Esq.
  • Published: January 15, 2020

f you’re a parent who finds themselves in an unfulfilling and/or unhealthy marriage, you have a difficult decision to make. As any good parent, you want what’s best for your child. Staying together with their other parent might seem like the best way to accomplish that.

But is it?

Divorce is hard for children of all ages. But is better to fake it?

A divorce is a complex, emotional process in any circumstance. When children are involved, it can feel like it’s not even an option to consider. However, attempting to stay married solely to create an illusion of a happy home for your children can backfire.

Yes, staying married can keep away the immediate pain and confusion a child typically feels when their parents divorce. It avoids having to navigate split holidays, separate families, multiple homes, etc.

As long as there isn’t abuse or the risk of physical danger, you should definitely try to make your marriage work, not just for your kids, but for you and your spouse. But two parents living together who aren’t happy with one another can create a number of subtle yet increasingly problematic issues.

There is likely to be more arguments and underlying tension. You may take your frustrations out on your children. Also, as children grow older, they’re more likely to realize something isn’t right. Even young children can be perceptive the fact that their parents aren’t in love anymore.

Left unchanged, this unhealthy environment can have long lasting effects on your children. It also holds you and your spouse back from moving forward and living better lives. Chances are, your children want you to be happy.

It’s true that divorce typically causes immediate issues, but overtime, children of divorce can adjust and thrive just as any other children. Often, they simply need time to adapt to the new circumstances. According to numerous studies, the majority recover after a year or two.

If you’re in a harmful marriage, or you’ve found that you simply can’t operate as an effective team with your spouse, the best thing for your child might be to part ways with your partner.

Even if you’re not ready to begin the divorce process, it can be helpful to speak to an experienced divorce attorney. They can prepare you for what’s ahead and let you know the options available. For a Springfield divorce attorney you can trust, contact Michael T. Edwards today!

Michael T. Edwards

Call Now For A Consultation!
(937) 505-3600