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Michael T. Edwards, Attorney at Law, LLC

Call Now For A Consultation! (937) 505-3600

  • By: Michael T. Edwards, Esq.
  • Published: May 27, 2017

After a divorce, it’s natural that you want to move on and start over.

One of the simplest ways to do that might to literally move away from where you had been living. However, for divorced couples with children, moving can be difficult.

Not just emotionally, but legally. Depending on the nature of the divorce and your current custody status, you may not be able to take the child (or children) away from the other parent.

Can I Move With My Child After A Divorce?

Much of it comes down to your current custody situation. In cases of shared custody, both parents have a say in what happens with the child. If you wish to move away with the child, even if it’s to another town, you’ll need to either get permission from your former partner or approval from a judge.

Even if you have primary physical custody, this is a necessary step. If it comes to the courts, it’s important to remember that the child’s well-being is always seen as the ultimate deciding factor. That means you could lose your status as the primary parent.

For those with full custody, you have complete say in what happens with your child and can move accordingly. For those who have partial custody, but aren’t the primary parent, you’re free to move on your own, but you may forfeit some of your visitation time in the process.

Whatever you do, you should try and discuss it with the other parent, should you be on speaking terms.

Don’t Neglect The Child’s Feelings

For a child, moving can be difficult in any circumstance. Even when divorce isn’t involved, children often have a hard time understanding moves. They lose their friends, their school, and a part of their identity.

Going further away from a parent they’re attached to will only make it harder. If they’re old enough, make sure to talk with them and explain the situation as best as you can. It won’t be easy, but it’s important.

Talk To Your Attorney

When making any decision that may affect the custody of your child, you should always discuss it with your attorney first. They can advise you on the best course of action and give you an idea of what to expect.

Should it come down to the courts, they’ll be able to assist you achieving a positive outcome. Moving with a child after a divorce isn’t easy, but it can be done. For an expert in family law in Springfield, Ohio, contact the offices of Michael T. Edwards.

We’ll make sure that you and your child are well taken care of.

Michael T. Edwards

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(937) 505-3600